Sovereign Grace Praise - What A Savior Lyrics
[Verse 1]Man of Sorrows, what a nameFor the Son of God who cameRuined sinners to reclaim, hallelujahBearing shame and scoffing rudeIn my place condemned He stoodSealed my pardon with His bloodHallelujah, hallelujah[Chorus]Savior, You showed Your loveDefeated our sin, poured out Your bloodSo we praise You, Lamb that was slainWe offer our lives to proclaimWhat a Savior[Verse 2]Guilty, vile, and helpless weSpotless Lamb of God was HeFull atonement, can it be, hallelujahLifted up was He to die,"It is finished," was His cryNow in heav'n exalted high,Hallelujah, hallelujah[Verse 3]When He comes, our glorious KingAll His ransomed home to bringThen anew this song we'll singHallelujah, hallelujah